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Non-disclosure agreement

Protection of product, business idea and internal information

As a participant, I understand that ideas for products (goods and/or services) or internal company information that I become familiar with during the Startup Course in Innlandet 2021/2022, are subject to the following restrictions:

  • The information must not be made known to persons / institutions beyond those who participate in the implementation of the establishment course.
  • The information must not be disclosed in the period following the end of the program unless the author gives its unequivocal permission to do so.
  • The information may not be commercially exploited by anyone other than the idea holder without his unequivocal commitment.
  • The information must not be used for educational purposes without the same commitment.

The above confidentiality requirements are acknowledged and accepted by the undersigned.

The undersigned also understands that demonstrable violations of this declaration may lead to expulsion from the courses, or at worst, criminal action.

Privacy statement


In the Startup Courses in Innlandet, we protect the integrity of the persons who provide their personal data to us. You as a person should be able to feel confident that we handle personal data in a secure manner. Therefore, we have developed this policy which is based on applicable data protection laws. The purpose is to describe how we work to safeguard the rights and integrity of the individual, how we process personal data, what we use them for, who can access them and under what conditions they can be used.

Collection of personal data

Our starting point is that we shall not handle more personal data than is necessary for the purpose, and we always strive to use the least integrity-sensitive data. In the Inland Establishment Courses, we obtain your consent before we start processing your personal data in situations that require it. Below are examples of situations where personal data is collected:


We collect information in connection with registration for our courses. The purpose and use of this information is to provide good service and provide feedback/information to the course participant. If the course participant does not want information to be stored, all data will be deleted immediately after the course has ended.


We collect information when subscribing to our newsletter. The newsletter contains information on how to cancel your subscription. Upon termination of the subscription, the personal data will be deleted from our registers.

Use of the Startup Courses in Innlandet Course Package

We collect information when the Startup Courses in Innlandet’s course package and / or a product connected to the Establishment Courses in Inland Norway are used. This is content created by the user that can be defined as personal data, e.g. photos of the person and others, name, age, gender, places visited, etc. The purpose is to fulfill our obligations to customers and users.

In the Startup- Courses in Innlandet, we only process personal data when there is a legal basis for it. We do not process personal data in other cases than when it is necessary to fulfill obligations under agreements and legal requirements, or to be able to provide service or feedback. Here are some examples of personal data we may process:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Organisation/enterprise
  • Photographs/video
  • IP address
  • Information provided voluntarily and on your own initiative
  • Content that the person himself publishes, so-called user-generated content

What information is conveyed?

When we actively collect personal data for the first time, or an individual provides their data themselves, the person is informed that the data will be handled in accordance with applicable legislation. We also inform about how to get in touch with people who are responsible for personal data processing, in case of questions or requests regarding personal data and / or rights via our website.

Is personal data processed in a satisfactory manner?

In the Establishment courses in Innlandet, we value the integrity of our contact persons and have our own routines and working methods to ensure that personal data is handled in a secure manner. The starting point is that only people within the organization who need the personal data to perform their work tasks should have access to it. We have an IT security policy to ensure that electronically stored personal data is processed in a secure manner.

When do we disclose personal data?

The start-up courses in Innlandet may use external partners and suppliers to perform tasks for the Establishment courses on behalf of Innlandet, e.g. to provide IT services or help with analyses or statistics. The performance of these services may mean that the establishment courses in Innlandet’s partners in IT, the municipalities’ first-line service for business development and the local business development apparatus have access to your personal data. Companies that handle personal data on behalf of the Establishment Courses in Innlandet always sign a confidentiality agreement with the Establishment Courses in Innlandet to ensure a high level of protection for your personal data. Also in such cases, we ensure that as little information as possible is disclosed.

The registration list for the course is sent to the client inland county municipality, as well as to the 1st line in your municipality.

Your privacy rights

You as a person have the right to revoke your consent at any time. We will then no longer process your personal data or collect new ones, provided that it is not necessary to fulfil our obligations under agreement or legal requirements. You have the right to demand the disclosure of relevant information, change your information and have the opportunity to have it deleted. To request the provision of relevant information, change information or request to be deleted from our registers, contact:


Valdres Næringshage is responsible for personal data, which means that we are responsible for how personal data is processed and that the individual’s rights are safeguarded. Policy updated: 16/06/2021


Påmelding til Etablererkurs Innlandet